Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why Apple's iPhone sales aren't really that RIMarkable

Continued..,But even if you could, it's worth bearing in mind how circumstances surrounding the quarters have differed for each company. While Apple had the massive launch of the iPhone 3G to promote, RIM, on the other hand, effectively had no major launches in its quarter – the BlackBerry Bold has trickled out across a few markets, but is still not available in the US. Given its lack of new launches, a 6.1 million sales figure looks pretty credible.

That's not to say that Apple isn't outselling RIM, or that the iPhone isn't a big success. They probably are, and it is. But judging the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two companies and their products on the basis of a single quarter's results is impossible.

We'll get a far better picture of how Apple is doing in its rivalry with RIM over the next two quarters, as the BlackBerry Bold is launched into more markets, and the BlackBerry Storm makes its debut. Whether Apple overtaking RIM is a one-off or a sign of a real change in the market remains to be seen. End.


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